============== Contributing ============== .. This file based on https://github.com/PyGithub/PyGithub/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md ``searchdocs`` uses `tox `_ to automate testing and packaging, and `pre-commit `_ to maintain code quality. Install ``pre-commit`` with ``pip`` and install the git hook: .. prompt:: bash python -m pip install pre-commit pre-commit install Coding style -------------- `formate `_ is used for code formatting. It can be run manually via ``pre-commit``: .. prompt:: bash pre-commit run formate -a Or, to run the complete autoformatting suite: .. prompt:: bash pre-commit run -a Automated tests ------------------- Tests are run with ``tox`` and ``pytest``. To run tests for a specific Python version, such as Python 3.6: .. prompt:: bash tox -e py36 To run tests for all Python versions, simply run: .. prompt:: bash tox Type Annotations ------------------- Type annotations are checked using ``mypy``. Run ``mypy`` using ``tox``: .. prompt:: bash tox -e mypy Build documentation locally ------------------------------ The documentation is powered by Sphinx. A local copy of the documentation can be built with ``tox``: .. prompt:: bash tox -e docs